How This Site Came To Be...

I ran away from home and found a dead man. It started with an airline ticket in one hand, a scholarship in the other, and a suitcase full of clean laundry and sixty-four-years of unrequited, childhood dreams. I said goodbye to my family and all I’d ever known. Twenty-three hours later, I stepped into the magic of Wales, complete with castles, mysteries, and the language that inspired Tolkien.
The following is how to find what you are looking for on: RIGHT, WRITE, AND WORDWRIGHT.
My view at home shows Washington in the background, the Astoria-Megler Bridge in the middle ground, and the Pacific Ocean in the distance. My view in Wales is from the top of Constitution Hill. The peninsula that extends into Cardigan Bay is topped with the remains of Aberystwyth Castle. I lived just up the hill near Aberystwyth University.
While there, I wrote of Charlie, the 500-year-old dead man mentioned above, who was unearthed inside Aberystwyth Castle. Intrigued, I sought a meeting with the lead archaeologist. Soft-spoken, wearing a jacket with leather patches on the elbows, he stated that people are not normally buried inside castles. On the hill overlooking Aber, he pointed out Charlie’s nondescript burial site, which would have been impossible to find as it is purposely unmarked. Charlie, along with his forensics, came to life again as part of my historic fantasy, Stand In Stone. (More on Charlie’s untimely fate in future Blogs)
My Publications Page shares work that is currently available, while Coming Attractions (drop down menu) will carry announcements of planned publications.
The Gallery contains some pictures of my time at Aberystwyth and the UK as well as Charlie’s actual burial site. All the pictures have relevance to my writing and adventures. (See future Posts)
The Resources page is in answer to the often-asked question among writers, “What inspires you?” YouTube currently features writing videos by Brandon Sanderson. Blogger connects to my original blog site, which contains many of my early Welsh adventures. Goodreads and the list of resources for writers is updated as needed.
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