The Lovers

Thinking Only of You

So I’m walking home from piano class,

Melodies flowing through my brain,

Fingers unconsciously seeking my rhythm.

When there before me the lovers stand…

Entwined as one.

I stand…

I cannot prevent the stare.

Others walk by…


The rough, grey-brown bark, splitting, enfolds them,

As they strain against each other in their passion.

Has Daphne expunged the iron arrow from her breast…

Finally allowing Ajpollo access to her loveliness?

They are rooted to their spot

Yet their arms thrust skyward,


In their long awaited and joyous embrace.

I smell the earthiness that is your scent.

I leave the lovers to their passion

And walk on…

Thinking only of you.

There are few constants in life. I’d like to believe in these tumultuous days that

Love is indeed a constant.