

Emotions well up, autumn leaves blown against a stone wall, a heaping wave, deceptive in appearance, hollow not substantial, shifting, green of life, colors of passing, brown of loss, skeletal lace as they crumble to loam.

Senses well up, tamped down only to escape from fingertips on keys, uncertainty, fear unspoken, confusion, no permanence, not the same, not the same, not the same.

Tears well up, unshed, bottled, anguish for the abyss, the unknown, the monster in the closet, the monster in humanity, the monster in the microbe.

The scream wells up, scraping against nerve, bile, acid burning, a black void where permanence used to reside, uncertain, unknowing, the howl of humanity rises, burns, destroys, ashes drift on the winds of protest

… and I

… and I

… and I sit at my computer and type my confusion at a world gone mad while Strauss plays in the background.

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